The ADHD Test-Just Exactly What is It

Executive summary about adhd test by Rebecca Shelly

ADHD Test. Today there are many categories for ADHD. Research reveals that there are different types of ADHD and an attention deficit disorder test must be completed by a qualified therapist. The different types of ADHD can include; the inattentive and disorganized, inattentive and irritable, inattentive with chronic depression, inattentive and impulsive types and each requires a separate type treatment therapy.

Children and adults alike must show signs of multiple symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity or inattention. The ADHD test will encompass to what degree the symptoms bother the person, whether its school, career issues, or problems with relationships.

If none of these key factors are present the professional will not think an ADHD test is needed.

The Truth About ADHD Test

Executive summary about adhd test by Svetlana Gilbarac

If all you have s a hammer, everything looks like a nail: if all you look for is ADHD, all you will find is ADHD. ADHD-like behaviors can be caused by a variety of psychological and/or physical conditions: learning disability, depression, anxiety, hearing or vision problems, even thyroid disorder. Be sure to exclude any physical causes before proceeding with ADHD tests.

Answers will then be compared to the DSM-IV list of ADHD symptoms.

Some of the more commonly used ADHD tests are Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scale, Barkley Home Situation Questionnaire, Barkley School Situations Questionnaire, Parent-completed Child Behavior Checklist, Teacher Report Form of the Child Behavior Checklist. Basically, these questionnaires ask the parents and teachers to rate the severity and frequency of various behaviors such as: excessive crying, fidgeting, temper tantrums, losing things, forgetfulness, interrupting others, off-task behavior at school, not appearing to listen etc.

The biggest issue here is that most children have at one time or another displayed all those behaviors. The fact that there is no standardized ADHD test can be pretty frustrating for parents. An observant parent can contribute so much more to a diagnosis than any formal attention deficit test could.

Check out my other article about childrens chairs.

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